SO&SO Multi-Media
In 1976 Louise Steinman, John Marron, and I created an assemblage of movement & poetry & ritual & theatre, SO&SO&SO&SO, 7 Off Moments. John summoned the name, which stuck and found its root response in the breath-body-mind practices that continue to guide this joyful crossroads of inquiry.
We make our lives from
what we love.
— John Cage, composer
John, Susan, Louise early 90’s
Louise Steinman John Marron
SO&SO OFF&ON, 3:03
selections, 1976 on
Music: “Silent Drama” /The Silence We Hear,
David Ornette Cherry
performance & photography credits links
SO&SOandSO&SO David Ornette Cherry, Organic Nation Listening Club, the Continual
Bill Boese, Gregg Bielemeier, David Cherry, 2007
photo & assemblage by William Washburn / Beet Dance from Trails to Treasures/it could be you, 1982