Organic Nation Listening Club

jazz, storytelling, dance collaborations with David Ornette Cherry

Portland Tribute April 13, 2023, Historic Alberta House
tribute video

Gordon Lee, Shao Way Wu, Renato Caranto, Israel Annoh, Norman Sylvester, LaRhonda Steele, 2023

Organic Nation Listening Club at Artists Repertory Theatre, 2014

Norman Sylvester & Renato Caranto, David & Glen Moore, Carlton Jackson not shown

Finding Soul: A Constellation of Stories 

Coho Theatre/summer festival, 2018

Dancer Andrea Parson, integrates Soul Stories training and choreography w. Stephanie Schaaf, Megan Dawn, Andrea, co-direction by Susan Banyas

Soul Stories/True Tales of Transformation, CD 1997

stories and performances (left to right) by Marie Selland Taylor, Janet Goulston, Donna Matrazzo, Susan Banyas, Wendy Westerwelle, John William Johnson, Maura Doherty/Dreams Well Studio
music on CD composed and performed by Barbara Bernstein and Courtney Von Drehle

sample: “The Dive” by the late Marie Selland Taylor, far left

Time Piece

created and performed w. vocal and physical actors, Robin Chilstrom & John Steinkamp, music by Robert Cobern, drumming by Scott Wardinsky, Dreams Well, 1990

Performance works/ International Society for the Study of Time/Time and Memory,2004/Time and Limits, 2007/Time in Variance, 2019

Dreams Well Studio

Dreams Well Studio, 1990-2002, a modest, lively petri dish for performance experiments and body-mind practices. Everyday Dancing, Soul Stories, Tribal Singing, Physical Theatre, Contact Improvisation, Performance Poetry, Music, memorable offerings of dance, theatre, multi-media storytelling, kids’ performances, community ceremonie, activated dream space/laboratory.

…a sanctuary for discovering the healing power of storytelling, an open space for contact-improv dance, a longhouse for tribal singers, and a fantasy fountainhead brimming with experimental notions of theatre and self…a deja vu from ‘60’s happenings and a glimpse of the holistically interwoven future of performance arts. — David Johnson/SE Examiner, Nov. 1996

Soul Stories by (L-R) Brook Boden, Jane Sterett, Barbara Lilly, Tom Schwartz, Ute Luppertz, 1998, from The Stories We Tell/performance and visual art series

The Memory Place

ensemble visual theatre (1999) with Wendy Westerwelle, Leanne Grabel, Elisabeth Tschalaer, Gregg Bielemeier, Steve Sander, Susan Banyas, film by Carl Davis, visuals by Sarah Hall and JoAnn Rollins,
directed by Susan Banyas, with assistance from Steve by C. Bruce Forster

Cecilia’s Daughter

written and performed by Marie Selland Taylor
video by Elaine Velasquez
music comosed & performed by Barbara Bernstein
directed by Susan Banyas
Portland, 1989

Mona and Cody

created and performed with Vin Marti & John Steinkamp, visual art by Bill Will, Jerry Mayer Martha Banyas, photo by C. Bruce Forster
Directed by Susan Banyas, 1988 Portland


with John Steinkamp & Ken Coburn
Firehouse Theatre, 1989

photos by Deb Dombrowki

Trails to Treasures/It Could Be You

created and performed with Louise Steinman
Intersection Theatre, SF, 1982
Northwest Artists Workshop, Portland,1982
Velocity, Seattle, 1983

photos by Christopher Rasuchenberg

Heads to the North is Correct

dance/videos created with Elaine Velasquez
Heads to the North is Correct, 1980
Northwest Artists Workshop, Portland
Video Free America, SF

Untitled (Liverwurst)

Untitled performed at
Northwest Artsits Workshop, Portland, 1977
and/or, Seattle, 1977
Video Free American, SF 1978
photos by Elaine Velasquez

House Bones

dance theatre with Louise Steinman, Dan Mathews, Peter Thacker, Susan Banyas, visuals by Michael Bowley, photo by Gerard Albanese

Marraba West, ballroom/dance studio
Northwest Artists Workshop, Portland

collages by LeBrie Rich

after maps from
Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, 1848, E.G. Squire & E.H. Davis, Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 1
created at Robert Rauschenberg Residency, 2013